View Profile AeraDynamic

Age 35, Male



Joined on 3/11/08

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AeraDynamic's News

Posted by AeraDynamic - March 30th, 2011

Hey there, for those who have been wondering what I was doing the last couple o' weeks or months I am currently flooded with stuff to do. I got applications to write, music to produce, serious soundtrack business to handle with zajed, one bazillion games to complete and I got to think of how to start a professional youtube comentary channel for games, music and other stuff (there are a few tutorials coming to that aswell for those who are interested) so yeah my life is pretty much loaded with things to take care of and I will take a break from NG

NEW UPDATE: New upload again! The preview cut of my latest tune can be heard HERE! Check out Contrary Love RIGHT NOW!

UPDATE: New upload! Check out my new tune Lavender Fields NOW!

UPDATE: All technological problems are solved now and fl10 is running like a beast!

FUCK I've been waiting so long for this to happen and I JUST got an e-mail from Image-Line that FL10 is now officially out of beta and the final version can be downloaded right HERE:

http://www.image-line.com/documents/ne ws.php?entry_id=1301017795&title=fl-st udio-10

I said it twice I know but this time I'm REALLY coming back with a blast!
I can't wait to get my hands dirty >:)

Posted by AeraDynamic - February 7th, 2011

I've uploaded two new tracks I've been working on. Bright Eyes has been started about one year ago, I just polished it a bit lately. On the other hand Dawn is only two weeks old but has seen over 7 hours of work due several changes and experiments and is also my latest hiphop production so far.

I hope you enjoy, let me know what you think and which one you'd like to get finished first.

AD - Bright Eyes (Prev)

AD - Dawn (Prev)

Posted by AeraDynamic - December 5th, 2010

Ok here is what happened: I came home and had this melody in my head, originaly played in a song by a pretty famous german rapper (I don't care, its just the internet so w/e). I reproduced the melody and built a beat around it. Then... I had a black out (lol) ... and when I had recoverd consciousness there was THIS! I dont have a name for it yet.

It sounds so epic and... omg and its not even mastered \>.</ I was just playing the notes and it went gold, I guess its just one of these days. When I get my new pc / monitors what ever comes first I will master this properly and release it to all you ppl.


Posted by AeraDynamic - May 19th, 2010

(Update 18.10.)
I'm back for some music ppl, tho I I'm still taking a break officially I just signed up for OmegaPhantom's Beat Contest where awesome meets amazing. Stay tuned.


So it's 2010 and when I am not looking for an apprenticeship I am making music, which I do for more than 2 years now since I had my first upload here on NG. Starting as a bloddy noone with no musical education at all I think I can say that I got pretty far to date. I reached and even exceeded levels I never thought I would. I met some pretty cool ppl and came in contact with talented producers and musicians.

Only interested in making music I came to Image-Line and FL Studio through a school-mate (I sadly lost contact with him 1 year ago, yet I hope his life goes well). Today I am far more than just a FL Studio user, I know how to eq tunes, how to compress a drum, how to write a melody etc. All that came with the help of the ppl I met through NG and which I call my friends today, I want to thank you for all the help and love guys. :,)

I see things completely different now, when I listen to a song or produce own tracks at home. When you get into music and production you surely acquire some skills in time. Not only for making your own music but also listening to it. Some tunes by Phace or Spor, which I just got now, sounded very odd to me years ago. I learned to give music more time to develop itself and to listen deeper into the tune, searching for more. Also with all the knowledge and training your standard raise and you get more interested into HOW you can / want to listen to music and HOW you can / want to produce it. Which brings me to the following: Hardware!

Sooner than you'd expect your world is full of things like speakers, earphones, amplifiers, recievers, cables, controllers and many other less physical things like waveforms, operating principles of hardware and software, production techniques, tricks and ways to develop and form sound.

3 years ago I would have stepped directly into the nearest electronics store if I wanted to buy new headphones or speakers, check the money and lets's go. Now its all about researching specs, asking for recommendations, reading forums and comparing products from different manufacturers in different price segments only with one goal: To find the perfect piece of hardware for the perfect situation. And even if some of you might think it is just totally boring and time consuming (it really is) if you are interested in it it actually gets fun and satisfieing when you finally buy your new piece and you see how all the work payed off! And I find myself more helping friend finding new systems or components for them or eqing their players now ;D

And so here I am now, AD 2010 coming with new skills, new genres, new styles, new graphics and a new myself! When I get my apprenticeship I am well payed and new hardware will follow! I am getting more professional every month and I will continue to do so :) Here is my restart!


EA can suck my bawls, here is why...

(Update 28.05.)
NEW UPLOAD! Its a wip so leave some reviews please :C

Check it out here

Posted by AeraDynamic - February 10th, 2010

So me and a friend bought the Bioshock 2 Exclusive Amazon Edition and that thing is SO AWESOME! It had to get it from the post office in the next town via bike in a snowstorm but hell it was worth it. First the thing is huuuge because it comes with a friggin VINYL!!! DAMN AWESOME!!! The Vinyl is packed in a typica Vinyl Case with a sweet vintage cover and features the Soundtrack of the first Bioshok. Under The Vinyl lies the Artbook. The 164 Pages of high quality glossy paper are packed under a hardcover. Next thng would be the Game itself, the case has a holographic cover and shimmers in the light. Under the Gamecase is the Soundstrack of Bioshock 2 hich comes on a normal CD with a fancy cardboard case. On the left to the Game are the three rolled Lithographs with Rapture Motives printed on very high quality paper. The whole Box has a rough surface and white fingerprints on its pitch black cover that form a butterfly. Seriously this is the best Special Edition that was ever made :DDD


Posted by AeraDynamic - January 31st, 2010

HOLY SHIT! Noisia drops their Album 'Split The Atom' on April 5th and delivers pure dnb beauty and heavy technological evolved sound with stunning records like 'My World' featuring Giovanca, the angry 'Machine Gun', feature tracks with Foreign Beggars and many more :D


/* */

Posted by AeraDynamic - September 8th, 2009

So yeah ppl I am moving upstairs now, still in my family's house but it's my own flat and btw the place I grew up before we moved downstairs once my brother came to birth. I can lock the doors, got a kitchen and bathroom, too big rooms with ca. 40 m² each and gotta pay rent...

I'm renovating the whole place with my fam right now and as you can see by the pictures I glued together there is much to do. Once everything is done and I'm really living there I will post some pictures again ;)

And haha surprise... maybe Zajed will move over to my place :D

Update: I had to remove the big Picture I made and upload every single small Picture somewhere else and link it cause NG just doesn't want to diplay it correctly...

Posted by AeraDynamic - May 25th, 2009

!!!!! ZOMG
!!!!! This PENIS News is old!
(yeah it's fucking PENIS old and I haven't done anything)
!!!!! I'm sampling Audio from this Trailer... !!!!! What PENIS now bitches?

I hope I can PENIS release the Song this week (look at the date this was made lol) meanwhile why don't you check this out?

Who gives a shit PENIS about News anyway...

Posted by AeraDynamic - May 20th, 2009

Since K-Dm is in hikikomori lifestyle I thought I should leave something for fans of awesomeness. "Arashi no Yoru Ni" jpn. for "One stormy night" is actually a well known Anime in the East that tells the japanese interpretation of the classic "The Fox and the Hound". It sadly never made it beyond Japan so most people won't know it. I also only found it by coincidence through a friends Article about the JAN '09 and googled the Title.

For gods sake DON'T read the Wikipedia Entry of it or you will get spoiled in a way that'll ruin everything the movie would be worth watching for!

I got a foible for everything "GOOD" may it be music, movies, art or anything else so I was interested in at least watching it a few minutes. I ended up in searching my ass off for the original DVD to buy just after 8 minutes of watching... but its hard to get since its only released in Japan in China. I saw it with Fan Subtitles and japanese Audio of course. If the style scares you off at the beginning know that it all pays off at the end, or actually just before the end so stick to it if you at least like it a bit.

Yep its full of cliche and its very childish in some parts but its pure beauty and full of love and it absolutely stands over every Dragonball, Naruto or Pokémon Mainstream SHIT! Call me gay, call me childish, call me a pussy I - DONT - GIVE - A - FUCK! If you don't want to watch it cause its not your type of movie its ok IF that is the truth. BUT if you don't want to watch it cause you think you are too much of a man for this GO and watch it ALONE and OHHH boy don't tell you friends or they will laugh at you and give you names like whiny bitch-spaghetti or some other ridiculous funny words.

Know what? One day I cried. I also laughed once believe it or not. I am just a normal human beeing. And beeing individual and to stand up for it is what seperates us. I watched it, I really liked it, I am still alive and I would do it again every day! So here have two Links:

German Subtitles
(Stream from Anime-Loads.org and download via Veoh Web Player 3)

English Subtitles
(Stream and download from Stream-Anime.org)

Downloading it is legal cause the movie is not licenced in any other countries then Japan and China. Uploading it again is still illegal and will be punished if you are dumb enough to get cought.

Have Fun

Posted by AeraDynamic - October 23rd, 2008

Alright I am back in production, I got tons od new Ideas, new Styles and Track coming up soon. I started a new Collab with War-Spawn (not even finished my last one) and we got some Melodic "Music Clock" Samples together and yeeehhh... we are working on sumthing! I also kinda found my own Sample-Streak, I am watching so many things on the Internet everyday and I am currently downloading everything I like in any possible way and if I can't download deh damn thing I am recording it!!! I think everything is usable for Music somehow, I just need to think different, Sound-Designers do... yes maybe I will study for working as a Sound-Designer for a Game-Developer later, at least I would like to. Its quite interesting how u can turn a toilet flush into a monstrous creature-scream eh?

I recently downloaded, cut and sampled a trailer of that weird PS3 Arcade-Game "Linger in the Shadows" where u can control Music and Art (I guess?!) and play around with. I dunno I don't get this game anyway like "Beautiful Katamary Damacy" u know... kinda weird and dumb but somehow fascinating in its own way, actually I really like those games tbh, I dunno >,<

So anyway, I am working on 3 new Tracks and some others btw but I think I will submit something new soon, maybe next week after the weekend when I get time... stay tuned outside world

Ok, after almost half a Year I finally got new Games for my 360 now! I will slow down on Music for now and get back to my Game Career .___. I waited so long for the Blowout! Dead Space, Far Cry 2, Gears of War 2, Fable 2, Mirrors Edge, Legendary aso... finally the best Games of this Year are about to release and I will be busy killing Joypads, running Walls, dismembering scary Aliens, jumping on Platforms, burning Africa, discovering Albion, pumping Locust, throwing Stromtroopers, shotgunning Zombie Mobs and shooting Werewolfs! I make sure to finish my Collab with Nimbus and Spawn before I finally get back to the wonderful virtual World xD

Weird Sample Streaks ## UPDATE 03. March ##