right sounds are already here
Mad potential here mate, you just need to clear things up and untangle the sounds resulting in a properly designed arrangement ;)
First, I really like the bass and how different and metallic / crisp it sounds, yet it lack the whole mid section -> change the sound design or add a new mid bass which plays WITH the first one NOT behind it or next to it, that's really hard to pull off I think. For example Teebee use at least 3 basses in his track Confession. You don't have to be this awesome tho ;D A tip from me for the modulation: Stretch the lead in "warp" at 0:09 - 0:10 to 4 steps and let it play like this:
, . . . , . . . , . . . , . . .
k _ _ _ s _ _ k _ _ k _ s _ _ _
dooua PISH (4 steps instead of 2)
What bugs me the most is the arrangement, you let the beat roll for 3 bars and then switch to the bassline playing for 4 bars and then for 3 bars again. Its not a very great arrangement imo, could be a personal thing but this just doesn't do it for me.
Drums! Drumsss! I agree, the snare sounds very solid in its character, yet it is overcompressed and held down by the bassline. The kick also needs some more work, the intro kick is fine but when you bring in the bass it sounds muddy and "bubbling", you can clearly hear it at 0:05. I can't tell if its the sub part of the bassline or if you just layered another kick, whatever it is, it needs to be fixed >:)
Mastering sounds ... OK this time, the only real big issue here is the bassline, which is just too loud and does conflict with the kick. Even the superhigh end is absent, its much more enjoyable. Also the arp you use at the intro is something you seem to like, fast paced melodies behind the drums are something that define you as a producer, I hear them often in your tunes. You already found your way.