More than HipHop
I heard one great man said once: "Sampling is something you got to have in you, you can't learn it. You have to hear a sample and know how you can manipulate it and bring it to a new different form"
Im good with the Track, dunno bout that Part GunstarGreene complained about. imo its all good, maybe just lower the Vol about 5-8% the Samppe is a bit too loud. The Strings are also a bit too loud for me but things come all together when u use your processing techniques so maybe just edit your EQ on that one a bit, turn down the treble and raise the 40-60kHz by 2-3dB
On the other hand the drums are pretty great, especially the kickdrum (and I love good kickdrums) WHAT do you do to make the drum sound so much oldskool and kinda "down under" the beat (wtf?)
Anyway, this is still HipHop somewhere, the beat is good old HipHop as expected and usual great quality, rhythm on the drums is great but the rest is no les than just an amazing musical masterpiece of strings, brass and background elements. This goes far beyond normal HipHop, its much more that just simple melody plus beat, I dont even know if this is HipHop anymore. Its just amazing music, ppl like you don't need genres and if you guys break new ground we can always expect something news, different and mostly mindopening and beautiful... stay on the fence