Still good
But not as awesome as your others :( what I find very sad... I waited ONE year for a new Track and now this. Its still a very good Track but hey, you are ParagonX9!!! Look at your older Tracks (No.5, Defection, Chaoz Fantasy)
I loved your Music because you had the most complexe beatparts behind your basslines. They were bursting out of drums, snares, hats etc. and they sounded very well placed and still not too disordered for all that stuff.
Your new Song has a very simple Beat now (which is not bad) but I expected something more here. Now let's get to the important things:
+ Bassline is good
+ Beat is simple but still fits god with the rest
+ Awesome synth starting at 0:44 (Reminds me of a cool Retro-Game I played)
(Negative is most personal...)
I expected something more... everything! More longer, more complex, more individual, more different... This is like a Concept and a Beat I faced with so often, it's not really comparable with your older style :( You have to put out something REALLY incredible to make me think different now!