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200 Audio Reviews

139 w/ Responses

Why low Score???

I don't get it >__< I like it and I vote 5 on it! You made 4 Versions now of this Track and it finally gets finished :D So here I go:

Good overall:
- Drums are futuristic and hard distorted as usual and sound just awesome
- Bassline is cool modified and not to harcore for my taste
- I like the HiHats, you made them really flow right into the Beat
- Mastering sounds good but I can't judge cause I don't know about mastering
- Second Beat keeps the sounding varied, nice touch

The last Part:
- OMG! I love it! This sounds so End of the World-like with the Choirs and the epic Strings with this earthquake Bass in the BG, its Awesome!!! The first Choir coming in at 2:50 sounds so like the Planet itself speaks while falling apart into piees *See what you have done humanity... now you have to pay the Price for your ignorance* I see the big Citys drowning in flaming cracks and the Earth falling into ruin... I currently read Spawn and if you familiar with the Comics you may know that Armageddon comes over the World in Episode 162 and the four Evils pestilence, hunger, death and war infest Earth and Spawn must pay the ultimate price to save the Planet! When you read the Strory and see the Citys burning its exactly the feeling you have when you listen to the last Part of the Track. No Way anyone could have displayed this better...

- the only thing I complain it that the Track never seemed perfect and finished in all 4 Versions :( I don't know about that, something is still missing... I guess the Synths at 3:30 is abit off, you don't notice it until the Beat comes back at 4:10 and it sounds a bit weird ó_O Maybe just move the Synt a bit forward or backward and check if it sounds better with the beat then and upload a changed Version (?)

Anyway awesome Song, best of the 4 and the most emotional one :D


1nf1ltr8or responds:

Thanks, and I'm glad you like this version out of the other ones! This one took a little extra treatment and turned out to be my fav too! :D I'm familiar with Spawn, but I haven't kept up with it since I was like in Middle School... it's been so long, but I can kinda see what you mean by the sad feeling you get from listening to this piece. Great imagination!

I think what you disliked about the 3:30 part with the synths being off was the rhythm kinda getting skewed for a bit and the sequencing was a little off tempo due to it being sampled that way. I liked the sound but put together with the tempo of this track, it almost doesn't quite fit together but rather sounds better by itself. I might try and fix that when I get the time again. XP

Anyway, thanks so much AD, and I look forward to making more projects and collabs for/with you!

OK! Its different...

...but that doesn't mean its bad :/ I listened yesterday after work and school and I was kinda asleep already (Man, that sounds so off! What did he do?!) So now I want to leave a devastating Review..... but, HEY! Where is everything gone?! I can see no shitty off sounding anymore \ó.Ò/ It's still different and difficult for me to listen but not that bad as it was yesterday. The Bassline is pretty badass and the Intro is cool and building it up right but the main Drum Buildup (0:43 - 0:49) was a bit too short in my oponion. The Violins just dissapear at 0:52, turn back up at 1:20 and leave again after 3sec. They are not that overpowered to dominate the Track or change it completely when they are present so why not leaving them in and invert the layout? Leave 'em in when you left 'em out and vice versa :D Try it out and send me a copy of it man!

So the Beat now (ohhh no -__- this will take tons of kind words not to make him explode) You are working with a non quarter layout, I guess 5/4 or 7/8... I know it exists for some reason but I just can't understand WHY?! Experimenting is always a good thing in producing, it keeps us different... but too much out of the Box could kill the whole Song XO You just came within an inch of touching the zero spot! It was fuckin hard for me to decide if its complete fail or a super experimental Tryout that just isn't my style :/ I guees the last... I just listened to Rig's "Furniture Monster" which is in 5/4 and just wanted to kill my Speakers! Maybe I am just too limited to enjoy non quarter Songs -__- The other thing was the Beat Layout. You use only two different Beat Layouts here (I am talking about the Layout, not the Beats so correct me if I am wrong) one normal Main Drum focused I call (1) and one sort of Snare focused Break I call (2). Actually the most DnB Songs use this Layout but their Break Beat is more like a modified Main Beat witch is changed noticable but not that Snare concentrated it gets annoying. if you use a Snare Break like that I recommend 1, 1, 1, 2 or 7x1, 2 - It gets not that hard on your Snare Part with this Setup I think. The later Part at 2:23 sounded better in my opinion.

Now the Drums and Snare (I just can't stop complaining aaahh! plz forgive me) I don't like the Snare at all. It sounds very empty and weak. The super-tinny sound only makes it worse for me. Whe I listen to a Snare I want to feel at least a minimum of puch to enjoy it. In my opinion a Snare should feel like a direct slap in the face BUZZ! POWERFUL! Your Snare is more like a nice breath of wind, talking in kind words and offering milk n' cookies XD Sure there are some softer Snares out there but at least the got a bit punch too. Nearly the same for the Drums, they could have been a bit more powerful and aggressive but they're not that bad at all so don't worry ;)

There are some spots you switch to 4/4 it seems. Maybe I am wrong but 2:23 - 2:55 sounded much more in time, less chaos and more structured. But like you said: "I get a lot of shit from the n00bs telling me... , but all the pros know better" I want to get into DnB Producing but it seems I need ages to understand it as a musical thing and to get used to the 5/4 layout. I don't like it, noone of the Producers I listen to use it and I won't do either....

Puuh... done. I am glad I finally got my ass up and wrote a Review. It was kinda hard and took me nearly 1h to find the right words :/

4/5 (I wanted to give 3 first but you worked so hard and I'm no asshole so I give 4)

Quarl responds:

You know, I came to the conclusion that the rhythm is so shitty it's good. Trust me, I laugh when I hear it, but I love it so much. Thanks for the review ;P

Also, you can refer to beat lay out as rhythm. It's all the same.

Also also, I tried really hard to get the drum set to sound like crap. I've been using more acoustic sounds for the last couple of years and everyone is like "make it sound more electronic" and I was like "no I like it acoustic" and it's just so damn annoying to get a sound I feel pleases one audience and shits on the other...

I hate trying to make everyone happy because it seems like no one is happy :(

JSRF 2 ?!

This is amazing Chris! You put alot of work in this piece and its just at the same level as the Control. Series :D The electronic is cool and still not too superhardcore for my taste... You always keep a simple Beatline and don't overload it with different sounds like some HiHat focused DnB I heard recently. I really like that structured and balanced Style you keep...

You completely perfected it with the Voice Samples! The sound so badass like JSRF and they have this typical filtered sound I know from the Game! It fits perfect with the fast Beat and the overall Layout of the Track. I can almost see the Beat and the Orchestra fighting for the crowd's attention! There is no reason anymore you can't land on a Lable or get Sidejobs for VG Producers, for real dude :D This Track is more made for a Single play but it can easily modified and transformed to a cool BG Beat in a freaky Action Game like JSRF was...

I'll send you a quick PM later ;)


Waterflame responds:

pm replied ;D thank you so much :D glad you notice my great effort! a label would be awesome. infact its my dream to work with music, but, issnt that everyone on the ap's dream.. actually im already taking sidejobs for vg productions! im on my 9th job! :D thanks again for the kind words! actually ive never tried JSRF2, but been wanting to :]

Hard deciscion...

Pishh... so this is it? Hm... let me check this thing out :D Nice Epic like String at the beginning, you made it abit azn i the verse with that wooden "plack" sound. The hit is cool epic and the synth gives it a modern electronic feeling. I can hear another String coming at 0:12 - sound a bit like a violin. And there is another String/Synth present. It build up in the Intro and it is also represented in the Hook later but you can hear it clearly first at 0:05-0:06 and 0:16-0:17 There it hits a new Tone... sounds very relaxing and ambient like a choir or a horn. The best thing here in my opinion are the hats. You really made them sound more then just a support sound in the BG. They got a fast structure and they use to lead the Track when the appear... good work and no snare roll here btw XD

flashmac responds:

Thanks a lot man. I'm glad you liked it. Looking back though, I think I could've made some things better but I guess that's how it is with all tracks haha.

Worked too long?

You named it, whe you work too long on a Song you can't seperate what good and bad anymore... as it seems :/ This Song had some pretty good things and some things I didn't like at all. Lets clear this up:

- The Reverse was amazing, the blending was totally imperceptible :O
- The Drums are cool, sounds very deep and hard
- The electronic influence was a nice change from your regular Style
- Beautiful Piano, you need to keep it the classic Way cause...

- ... even the electro was cool, it was a bit too much in my opinion and overused
- I don't really like the Snare... dunno why :/ Maybe too tinny?
- The Snareroll sounds superrobotic XO (whhhyyy ?!)

You may have noticed already, even when I listen to good Friends Songs I can bee a hard Critic. As you said you are working on your best Beat since ever I was expecting some more. Mainly the Snare killed it for me personally but I will still listen to the lovely Piano sometimes...

K-Dm responds:

lolol word

thx for the review but this is the final version for now haha =P


Retro! :D

Hey this is pretty cool! I like the 8 Bit VG Style here. The Bassline is quite simple and soft, the Retro beeping sound starting at 0:22 really made for me :D Also the Violins later transform it into a Mix of classic 8 Bit sounding and Boss Battle DnB and you really hit my weakspot in this Song cause I love all the tree influences - You ever listened to 1up by Spor? Its a pretty smart 8 Bit influenced DnB Track, search on LastFM or so...
You only don't get a 10 cause it was kinda easy made and there are only two things that keep the Track changing. First is the Retro beeping, second are the Violin. The Beat was not that supercomplex but thats not important. I am a hard critic sometimes and I always try to be. I don't want to give 10s all day long like a boosting Fanboy so I have to search for bad things too ;)


boney-man responds:

lol thanks for the download and i have listened to 1up by Spor its great. i made a short song based on it but never released it.

Ahrg! XO

Nah! Sorry Rig, this hurts me :/ It really sound unstructured, chaotic, weird and completely random to me. I felt much better when it was over... I don't vote on this one cuz I don't know anything real about making DnB unless that it sounds awesome in a square time construct. But everything seems to be... off here! Maybe I'm wrong and addicted DnB Heads could enjoy this Track but so me it sounds too chaotic. Please don't do this again... never!


Rig responds:

Once you get your head around the 5/4 time concept, I think it sounds pretty clear. lol
I suppose this isn't for everyone. Thanks for the review!


You impress me man! Every time in a new way and a bit more then yesterday - this Beat goes friggin Epic ways >__< Like "Brawl RMX", "Ready for War" and "Ice Carvern" the Drums hit me like selfmade explosives by Iraqies XD There is much to hear so I try to get everything in a clear line:

- Drums kill brains
- Clanky Sound gives it a unique touch
- Strings at 0:20 make it sound Super-Skytemple-Epic
- Other stringy Sound behind the Ambient String has sinple but killer Melody
- There's a darker Synth/String hiding in the Background (more clear in Verses)
- Love the additional >Pling< sound in the Verses
- Clap sounds very natural

- Snare Roll.............................. nothing else..... really!

I like your experimental non Manistream way :D I randomly clicked through your Audio and listened to "Rise of the Chanpions", "Open Sea", "Super Mario RPG RMX" and your "WyteNoiz Battle" and the all sound unique and different! Currently I want to marry "Open Sea" (if I could... maybe in Texas) You pick the Titles very accurate and they alway fit to the Music.


flashmac responds:

haha thanks a lot man. Glad you liked this. It's too bad your so picky on snare rolls lol. But yeah I like to keep my stuff different. But I've listened to your music and your stuff is really original too. And I grant you permission to marry Open Sea, just remember to invite me to the wedding hahaha. Thanks man

This is a Warfield!

Yo Community getyour asses up, take your piece and fight your way through the dust! But try to keep the Heads down ;) Mack your Snare ripps pieces out of the repetitive HipHop AP for sure, same for the Drums. Like the sound much. The Violins and the Synths are cool too and work right together. The electronic guitar / brass / bass dunno thing in the BG starting at 0:43 sounded good, but there is this ugly half sec empty at 0:53 when the melody replays. This needs to get fixed man :/

Aaannnd... the most important thing (you can guess) FUCK-THIS-STUPID-SNAREROLL! You said you wanna make different things but everytime you try it sounds weird? So I think we both need to work on it huh? I try to show you some things ;) Same for the stereo effects, don't turn the PAN to completely left or right. You need to make the listener notice the panning... but more blurry and unclear, u know? About 30 to 45 percent would do the job better :D

flashmac responds:

You make many good points and you have one hell of an ear man. I never thought anyone would notice the half a second of dead air at :53 or the panning. And hey, the snareroll, when I made it, I was thinking of your advice but it turned out more or less the same hahaha. Sorry about that, but glad you liked the track over all =D

Intro - Verse - Hook - Verse - Hook

I expected a Piano/Violin Combo as I started listening and is's got this pretty sad and "sitting on the floor and thinking about earth and space" feeling at the beginning. But then the Hook splashed in and I was :yeah: asian style baby! I like the flute so much I give you a 9 instead of 8 but you need to clear some things up then :/ The Bass in the Hook, maybe too much reverb (?) and where did the end go? It's like someone shut down my Sound System man! Clear it up and put it out for good ;)

K-Dm responds:

ya i was feeling pretty down when i made this so its pretty emotional

i kinda just made what i felt at the time and didnt really try to perfect it

so keep an eye out for the final version


Age 35, Male



Joined on 3/11/08

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