Thank you!
You pushed me in a totally new Direction! I love you for that Tune :D I always wanted to create DnB but learning to modulate a Bassline with Sytrus or the Fruity Love Filter is much more difficult that I thought :O I tried to work out some Tracks but I am still lacking too much of the needed know how to make it sound like I want. But you just pointed out a different way for me in this Song! I thought about an alternate Method to display my Music in DnB and I came to the Conclusion that I could try out a Mix of a Mix of Drum 'n Bass and a more relaxed Genre. I also like listening to HipHop and Ambient and some Trance and I heard mixes of HipHop / DnB, Ambient / Trance and someones Try to mix DnB with Ambient and he called it an epic Fail xD but when I listen to you Solar Remix I would say this is just the right Mixture of Drum 'n Bass Beats and I electronic but still relaxed Ambient String in the BG. The Bell Arp is also great and emphasises the calm Part of the Song. I must say that I like the Ambient Parts here more than the DnB Parts. The Beat is cool and easy and fitted good with the Melody, same for the Crash at 3:21 but I don't like the Bassline. It ripped the beautiful, calm Ambient away like a crazed Chainsaw and did nasty things with it behind the Curtain xD (interpreted) And I though, well... why not just leave out the Bassline and replace it with Strings and more Ambient-ish Things. The Arp could be replace with a reverbed SpeciaoSound (Wood, Bells, Musicial Clock, Waterdrops etc.) and here you go :D
You finally got me in this Direction after my thinking and I will work out my first tune once I found the right name for the Genre (you know if it already exists?) and finished my older Projects.
For the Song now:
I like the Arp Melody very much and maybe you hear Parts of it in one of my first new DnA Songs ;) I also like the Strings in the BG, sound like a Reese or some supersoft Bass. You can clearly hear it at around 0:30. The Bells are also very nice and relaxed. Overall I still like the Tune despite of the Bassline ;)